I think an apology is in order to those who have missed these motivational Monday posts which I promised to do but didn't. I realised than in order to write a motivational post you had to be partly motivated yourself, which I wasn't, in order to motivate other people. Well I am back and writing! Yay for me! Many of these will be pre-written but I promise to try and do as many as I can even if it means spending my whole Sunday writing them for the next 6 weeks!
I really do love this quote, it isn't just for children, adults or grandmas: It works for anyone! And that is sometimes the magic of blogging. The fact that I (A 15 year old) can write something that can be read by someone who could be 10, 20 or 30 years older than me but still enjoy. Now I'm not saying that I am the best writer but I do it as an escape. I do it for me, it just so happens that you enjoy reading it to!
It's so easy for everyday life to become a habit without knowing it. You wake up, get breakfast, go to work/school, come home, eat dinner, go to sleep. It all becomes something we call a 'comfort zone'. Nothing that worries you, no anxiety, no spice. Just normal everyday life. Now I'm not saying that anxiety or worry is a good thing but everyone has anxiety but it is generally just called worrying. Sometimes, this in small amount is good thing. Imagine going to London which was 'in your comfort zone' but then needing to go on the tube. Woahhh, Way out. But you go on it anyway and you survive. You get off the other end and something happens. Something magical which could never have happened with out you being pushed out of your comfort zone and just doing it. For many people, going to University is 'out of their comfort zone' but it ends up being the best years of their life.
So although something isn't in your comfort zone, It doesn't mean you can't reach it. College, driving, own house, dream job. Sometimes you just have to go for these things and if it doesn't go right then try again. There's 25 other letters in the alphabet. Don't throw it all away at plan A. And if you get to Z and it still isn't going well then make a plan AA then a plan AAA. Do whatever you can to get yourself there. YOLO! (yes I just said yolo...)
Blogging was way out of my comfort zone. Talking about makeup, motivational things, styling outfits was all originally a big no no. I was worried about people judging me but then you get that anywhere. You get the odd boy at school make a comment but that doesn't matter. I have met so many amazing people through blogging and Instagram that I never would have talked to before so I say 'Just go for it!' What's the worst that could happen?
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