Today I decided to do a tag post, I wasn't actually tagged to do the 'Beauty Blogger tag' but I thought it would be a fun one to do seeing as I'm so passionate about makeup and beauty. Enjoy!
Name a beauty routine that you barely do.
Contouring. When I have enough time, I try. Somedays it looks great but other times, It looks like my face is really bruised.
Is washing your makeup brushes something you do regularly?
Yes! Oh my god! I love using the good ol' Johnson's baby shampoo and give my brushes a good scrubbin'. Honestly though, Not something I'm a fan of because With over 60 brushes that are used all the time, it takes soooo long and by the end of it, my hand is numb but once they're done, I love them!
How long will you last with chipped nail polish?
Not very long. One to two days max. I hate chipped nail polish and I would rather have no polish than chipped polish.
How long do you put off buying/replacing a beauty or nail polish product even if you need it? (i.e. top coat, foundation etc)
Once again, not very long. I recently ran out of my foundation, powder and concealer all within two days and I was lost without them! I have loads of foundation samples but none are light enough for my skin so I had to lighten them up with white cream makeup and really really light concealers that I'm not keen on so that was not fun at all. Desperate times.
What is your worst beauty habit?
Not washing and cleansing my face properly. I know that sounds really gross and I know it probably is. I honestly don't have bad skin. A few breakouts here and there and at that time of the month (ahem) but apart from that, I can get away with just using a makeup wipe or micellar water and not having majorly bad skin. I go through stages where I have a full on skin care routine with wash, moisturiser, masks, scrubs and all that jazz but I don't feel like there's a major difference. I don't know, maybe in the future I will find an amazing skincare routine that I do see a difference in my face area but that's for the future.
Name something non-beauty related that you put off doing all the time.
Cleaning out my bag. It is huge so collects loads of junk. I think there's still a pair of sunglasses in there from August.
When going somewhere, do you leave getting ready to the last minute or not?
Pfft, 'last minute getting ready' isn't really a phrase in my vocabulary. If We're going out to a party or a dinner and 7 or 7.30 then my getting ready routine consists of getting in the shower and washing my hair at 3 o'clock, putting my hair in velcro rollers usually and starting my makeup at about five. I'm usually still not ready on time. oopsie.
Can you commit to spending bans?
No. Definitely not. I'm pretty good with money so I don't really ever need to commit to a spending ban. I just need to keep asking myself: "Do you really need that?" and if its a no, then I put it back on the shelf and walk out of the shop, swiftly before anything else catches my eye.
How organised is your makeup and nail polish collection?
Pretty organised. My nail polish collection at the minute is a little bit muddled at the minute as I have just thrown my nail polishes in recently but apart from that, It's pretty organised. My makeup collection is also very organised but overflowing (oops again), I'm just not completely happy with the current setup.
What's the longest time you've gone without writing a blogpost?
Probably a month and I'm extremely sorry about that but you now have my undivided attention and thank you for sticking with me.
So thats it really. Me in a nutshell haha. I tag you, Yes you to do this tag! If you don't write a blog then maybe answer one or a few of the questions in the comments below! I would love to read them!
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