It's time for a change.
This sounds a bit serious doesn't it? I don't mean for it to be, not at all. I created a 'Little update' post a couple of weeks age which I have recently deleted after realising I wanted to change it and needed to add more things in to it so this is it; my new update post. It is the start of a new beginning if you will.
On the 26th of November, I celebrated my 1 year blogiversary and no, I didn't write about it on any social media and it wasn't really a very known thing as I haven't been very devoted to my blog since my laptop broke and having to fight over a family computer isn't always the easiest thing. I also don't feel like all of my posts have been perfect and the photography hasn't been great but from now on, I'm only going to post something that I am really proud of.
I am also not so keen on the name 'Aimee talks beauty'. After a year of writing under that name, I have realised that I don't just want to be known for that. I love fashion, and shoes, and photography and foody posts and that is what I am so passionate about; not just makeup and beauty (although I do still love that). After weeks and months of disliking my blog name, I have decided to change it. I want something a little bit more... well open in a way. I don't want people to see my blog URL and automatically think I was just a beauty guru. I have decided to change my name but I need suggestions and until then I will continue to write posts on this blog under the name 'Aimee talks beauty'. So please leave your suggestions below!
I'm also going to try and write at least three posts a week and maybe four, you lucky lot! There will be a new post on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday throughout December. Monday will be a chatty post, (Motivational monday, tag post, advice etc.) I haven't decided on the rest, I'll just go with the flow as some say!
Next change is my new laptop! Woo hoo! After my Sony Vaio died on me after 6 years of usage I wanted an upgrade and a complete change from a windows laptop. (Not that there's anything wrong with a windows at all and I will still be using a windows computer on the odd occasion) After pondering in the apple store for about an hour, I bit the bullet and purchased a 13" Macbook air. I will be using this amazing new bit of tech for blogposts and video editing and also for course work and work when I go to college in September. (Exciting stuff!!)
I am also creating a new youtube channel as I had had my old one for years and the URL was pretty cringy and one I created when I was about ten so wasn't really suitable for me anymore. I am creating a new channel using my work email so that everything will be under one email address and easier for me to access. I hope you will all go and subscribe to my new youtube channel and I will see you with a new youtube video very soon.
The last thing that I haven't really spoken about is my new studio/office. When I was younger, My loft was converted into a playroom and chill out area where I could put all of my toys and extra things I didn't want in my bedroom. All the walls were covered with white plaster board, the edges of the loft had sliding doors put in and a velux window was also put in creating a nice space with lots of natural light. A few weeks ago, I took a trip to Ikea with my Mum and Dad and bought some furniture to redo the loft into a nice space for me to work in. It isn't completely finished though as Christmas is right around the corner and it is currently housing all the Christmas presents and wrapping stuff but once christmas is over, I can make it into a pretty girly work area.
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