Just do it.

Don't think about going, just go. The trouble is, as humans, we are constantly planning ahead:

"Oh I'll do it next week"
 "I'd like to go to London some time in the future"
"Maybe next time"

But what is there is no 'next time'?

I recently came across this quote on Pinterest and instantly fell in love. Why think about doing something in the future when you don't know whats going to happen tomorrow? Everything could be over in a split second and you will look back wondering why you didn't do it sooner. You hear about all these things happening on the news: Major car crash, Airplane down, Man left paralysed after accident. You always think that it will hopefully never happen to you but you never know what could happen in the space of a week, a month, a year or your lifetime which stops you from doing all the things you ever wanted to complete. 

Stop planning and just do it. If it matters to you then you will make time to do it. If you want to meet up with your old school friends and you plan to do it in the next two months, why are you waiting so long? Do it tomorrow or next week. make time for the things that matter incase you won't be able to do them in the future. 

If you want to see the world then 'Travel while you're young and able. Don't worry about the money, just make it work. Experience is far more valuable than money will ever be' 

Don't look back wishing you had done something that you never did. Never live with regrets. 


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