Forget about the Bad Things.

Another Monday, Another bit of motivation Woohoo!

Because I have been really behind on blogging recently *Slaps wrist* I am actually writing this at two o'clock today ready for it to go up at eight o'clock tonight but at least you know all the feelings I am expressing are true to now and let me just tell you there will be some strong ones in these upcoming weeks!

I found this quote on Pinterest and automatically started singing 'Shake it off' by Taylor Swift and then thought that I couldn't use the quote because it has become well known and slightly cheesy but I'm going to put it in anyway. 

Bad things happen to all of us. Big or small, they can effect our emotions at that specific moment. Like getting clothes in the wrong size and feeling like it was your fault or ordering something you realise you don't like at a restaurant and seeing everyone else enjoying their meal around the table but you shouldn't let those things upset how you feel at that moment. Just forget about it and act like nothing happened, smile and move on.

When you look back, you want to think about some of the conversations you had around the dinner table that night or how amazing you looked in that dress once you finally got it in your size instead of those feelings being over run by how upset you were at the beginning. I had a massive breakdown ten minutes before I had to leave to go to prom and after spending 45 minutes to an hour perfecting my makeup I was pretty annoyed that I couldn't keep my shit together thus making me cry more and ruin my makeup but after I had stuck another layer of foundation, powder and blush (sacrificing more contour and highlight) and listening to Chloe trying to tell me that no one else will notice it, I pulled myself together and completely forgot that I did have a really cakey right cheek but I'm looking back remembering that it was a great night, sort of forgetting my makeup mishap. 

So forget about it and look back remembering all the good times instead of the bad things that happen and if something bad is permanently there, whether it be a person or a picture or any other thing that's making you feel crap, then you need to lose it. Wave goodbye and move on because frankly, life's to short. 


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