Becoming a Smart Shopper.

Picture from confessions of a shopaholic. 

Sale shopping can be something people absolutely dread especially after Christmas. All the people pushing and shoving with elbows out to make sure they get the biggest bargain and It's becoming dangerous. Obviously the option many people now take is online shopping but you can do it in the comfort of your own home with coffee in hand but personally, I prefer actually going to the shops, that way you can make sure everything is just right and fits perfectly and none of that postage and packaging stuff.

I'm here today to present my 'Guide to Smart Shopping' (Sounds rather snazzy right?)

1. Go with a game plan.
Decide the perfect time to get up and the right time to leave. What shops you are going to first and last and what shops you are going to completely avoid. Who are you going with and who's driving? This leaves you feeling more confident about your trip and makes sure that you won't get swept away with the crowds.

2. Plan your outfit.
Think comfy. Don't wear heeled boots that you can't walk very far in and a dress that takes 20 minutes to get in and out of as that just isn't going to benefit you. Make sure you have comfy shoes and outfit on even if its trainers and leggings; trust me, people aren't going to judge. I would recommend something slide on such as comfy ballet flats so you can easily try on shoes with ease.

3. Search the web first.
Go online and plan your purchases. Look on your favourite websites and have a look at items on there and see what you like a don't like. Decide on your favourite bits so you know what you're looking for and you don't end up taking arms full to the changing rooms.

4. Set a budget.
This goes arm in arm with number three. Look online and decide what you like but allow a little bit extra for shops that may not have a website with everything listed on it (such as Primark and any individual stores). If you love Primark, set a budget for that such as £40 so you don't overspend in one shop and have to compromise later.

5. Pack your bag the night before.
Did you ever or do you still pack your bag the night before for school or work to make sure that you don't forget anything, well it's a bit like that for shopping too. Make sure you have a good sized bag and I would recommend a smallish over the shoulder bag so you're hands free apart from your bags of brand new goodies. Have your purse ready with cards, cash and gift cards that you may have received at Christmas. I always have an emergency kit with me with plasters, a nail file, plasters and any other emergency stuff (ahem.) so you don't get caught short. Nothing will ruin your trip!

6. Bring a snack.
There's nothing worse than shopping on an empty stomach. It might be a long time between breakfast and lunch and you get hungry and tired when shopping. Bring an energy boost to make sure you have something between meal times. That cereal bar will be greatly appreciated trust me!

7. Have fun!
Enjoy yourself and relax, don't get stressed and just have fun! 

I hope my six step guide to smart shopping helps you in the busy time of sale shopping! Go out and buy lots of lovely things and have fun! I would love to know what you get in the sales! 


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