Just do it.

Don't think about going, just go. The trouble is, as humans, we are constantly planning ahead:

"Oh I'll do it next week"
 "I'd like to go to London some time in the future"
"Maybe next time"

But what is there is no 'next time'?

I recently came across this quote on Pinterest and instantly fell in love. Why think about doing something in the future when you don't know whats going to happen tomorrow? Everything could be over in a split second and you will look back wondering why you didn't do it sooner. You hear about all these things happening on the news: Major car crash, Airplane down, Man left paralysed after accident. You always think that it will hopefully never happen to you but you never know what could happen in the space of a week, a month, a year or your lifetime which stops you from doing all the things you ever wanted to complete. 

Stop planning and just do it. If it matters to you then you will make time to do it. If you want to meet up with your old school friends and you plan to do it in the next two months, why are you waiting so long? Do it tomorrow or next week. make time for the things that matter incase you won't be able to do them in the future. 

If you want to see the world then 'Travel while you're young and able. Don't worry about the money, just make it work. Experience is far more valuable than money will ever be' 

Don't look back wishing you had done something that you never did. Never live with regrets. 


My Hidden Desk Beauty Stash.

A beauty stash in your work area. Ok, so a lipstick, a touch up eyeliner and obviously a powder for that afternoon shine on your face. They are obviously a beauty bloggers essentials you would think right? Wrong! When I'm working at my desk I don't usually have makeup on because I cant rub my eyes and blow my nose and stuff (you know, practicality and all?) and now that I am finally ill (I say finally like it's a good thing. It isn't but I haven't felt great for the past week but now I am officially ill, I have an excuse so every cloud has a silver lining and all) I need to think of streaming eyes and a red nose. 

My desk beauty stash actually consists of some pretty boring products. Kleenex tissues? These are actually the reserve stash as I always have a toilet roll on my desk because they are a) Cheaper and b) more practical, just tear and go. I also have two Soap and Glory Products. The Hand food and Righteous Butter which to be honest hardly ever get used. I'm not going to lie and say that whenever I find a dry patch on my arm, I'll reach for my body butter and dab it on because I don't. I don't have time for that and it's sticky. I can just about tolerate sticky body butter at night when I'm going to sleep but in the day? Ugh gross. And who can type on a laptop or scroll through Instagram with wet slimy hands? Not me. But the do get used, sometimes. 

Ok, A nail file I do use and it gets used all the time. I am constantly buying more of the Essence 2way profi file nail file as I love them and who repurchases a nail file? I have never done it before but this just leaves your nails so smooth and although it's an absolute bargain, it doesn't leave little bits of you nail still attached (like a layer of nail? This is really hard to explain) so I have one in my office and one in my bedroom and another in my bag. I have an obsession with this nail file ok?!

Lip balm: A necessity and yes, these do get used. The chap stick more because then you have sticky lip balm on your finger that you end up wiping down your trousers because you don't know what to do with it and don't lie to me, we have all done it. I have the Apple Chapstick and the Rosy lips Vaseline but mine is in the old boring packaging. To be honest, I love them both. You just have to have a lip balm at your desk. 

Last thing is a hairband. I had the problem this morning that I had one hairband in my hand and I went to tie my hair up and it snapped. This is why you should always have a spare one. I usually buy mine from Primark which are like 40 in a pack or something for £1.00 so you can't really go wrong.


The Tropical Printed Jacket.

This post is little overdue as the photos were taken over a week ago but the weather hasn't changed that much so it isn't that bad that its a little late, I mean are 'Exams' a good excuse?

But seeing as this post is finally here, you may have gathered that I'm now finished with learning for a while (whoop whoop) and I am now all yours! Well kind of... All that means is that I should be coming to you with more blog posts and hopefully start filming videos for my Youtube Channel again as I have really missed it and I have until the end of July to basically devote myself to this so lucky you!

Anyway, enough rambling. On with the outfit!

So I recently took a trip to nearby village which I am pretty sure I have talked about loads on my blog  before but I absolutely adore going there and having a look round the big antique warehouse and having afternoon tea in the little cafe and of course, walking around the park. I found these old railway tracks which I did know were in existence as they also have the original platform at the entrance but I got my inner poser out and created my own little photoshoot hehe. Safe to say, I got a few weird looks. 

I picked this Jacket up from Primark about two weeks ago for £3.00! I had seen it not too long before for £17.00 which still obviously isn't too bad but I always do this thing in Primark where if anything is above £15.00 I have to do some major justifying as it's classed as 'expensive' but if I had seen a jacket like this for under £20.00 in Topshop, I would snap it up straight away without hesitation. Its strange and I don't really know why I do it. Im just tight!

Anyway this jacket is such a fun item of clothing for the summer and should carry me though after when it gets chillier in the Autumn months. Its that thinner slightly wrinkly material (like crepe paper, do you know what I mean?) that is perfect for this time of year when there is slightly colder days and they even have them in plain black and white for the more neutral girls. I think this just adds to any outfit and really makes you pop with out looking stupid and I just really really like it!

Jacket | Primark
Vest | River Island (Similar here)
Jeans | Topshop
Pumps | Topshop
Bag | Primark (old)
Necklace | Brandy Melville
Sunglasses | Primark

My jeans and pumps are both from Topshop and I have worn these both so much. The pumps I saw on Sammi from Beauty Crush and instantly fell in love with the simplicity. It took me a while to find them in my size and ended up ordering them online and they weren't the comfiest to begin with but once I had worn them in, they are lovely just to slip on and go and have lasted quite a long time for shoes with a floppy structure. They are made the same way as ballet shoes (like this) obviously just with a harder sole but you do get a little note with them to say that they aren't the most hardwearing shoes which I understand but I love them anyway. 
