New Year, Fresh Start.

I can hear you saying it already: "It's not 2016 yet, the year hasn't gone that fast". This 'New year' is a new school year so obviously targeted at the younger readers still in school or education or for some of the people who choose to start their diaries in August - My personal favourite diaries, The, it's a new diary for you so that is also a new beginning.

Even if you had a really crap 'last year', going back to school or wherever you may find yourself could be a fresh start; Do something different and let things go if they made you unhappy or hindered you last year. If you want to be more organised this year and think you could try to use a calendar if it was on your wall, then buy that calendar and hang it on your wall. Make this a new you. 

Everyday can be a fresh start. If you are going to a new school this year and want to make new friends or you really want to get good grades this year then do it. What's stopping you? 

Let the past go, it's behind you and your path is forward. Don't let it stop you; It's never too late to change who you want to be. 


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